It’s the classic case of being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Many developers, website owners, businesses and organizations are finding themselves in quite the conundrum as CEOs feud and greed seems to be the center of the argument. While that is beside the point, at least not what we are centralized on, here is what is important to know:

WordPress has blocked (at least for now) hosting provider WP Engine from accessing its resources. WordPress co-creator Matt Mullenweg and CEO of Automattic, states in a recent WordPress article informing concerned WP Engine users and clients.

Wordpress V. Wp Engine Auto Updates Dispute 9-25-24

What I will tell you is that, pending their legal claims and litigation against, WP Engine no longer has free access to’s resources.”

This is all very fresh and the dust is still settling in this matter. It is effecting many users in a very negative way. Until action is being taken and the matter is entirely resolved, here is a helpful work around instructional article to manually work around this

Developers are always crafty in creating workarounds to the ever changing world of tech. Here is another work around one of our team members discovered on Redit. If you are interested in this story there are more details about what’s involved and what has transpired leading to this point in time in this link here.

We will be very vigilant in helping you through this matter and if we find it advantageous to migrate, we will, with you make a move in your and our best interest. Keeping you in the very best hosting environment and website platform  is always our focus. Our clients are valuable and we will keep you informed on this as news breaks. 

We provide maintenance services that can help you monitor and navigate these challenges. Click here to see our maintenance packages and know that you always have someone in the know in your corner!