Interconnect:it LogoIf you’ve ever moved a WordPress database from a local testing/development server to a live/production server, there are times when links don’t change appropriately. Maybe you have a custom header image that is now broken (that was my issue).

A beautiful solution I found was from David Coveney at Interconnect/it. He wrote this simple MySQL Database Search and Replace Script for WordPress. The instruction aren’t on the page, but are relatively simple:

  1. Download Script
  2. Place on production server
  3. Call the file in your browser
  4. Enter your production server info and submit
  5. Quickly and easily search and replace any references to your development server with the updated url to your production server

That last step might look like a search for “” and replacing it with “”.

Let me know if you have questions — not that I can answer them, but I’ll find someone who can!